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hop-scotch, marbles, tag... do you still remember those childhood games? children's day is coming! it's generally believed that only those under 14 can celebrate the festival. after all, who isn't a child at heart? international children's day was established to protect children's rights, but that's a matter for adults.

children just have fun. when many readers were young, they didn't have smartphones or mobile internet, only indoor and outdoor games that brought them joy. we've collected some of them. which ones have you played?

first, let's talk about some indoor games that don't require a lot of movement and focus on thinking.

chinese checkers

chinese checkers is characterized by its hexagram-shaped board, which can accommodate up to 6 players. the main goal of chinese checkers is to move all your marbles from your end to the opposite point of the star. players can move their marbles by "hopping" over a single adjacent marble – one's own or the opponent's – and can continue to hop until there's no more adjacent marble.跳棋的特点在于六边形的棋盘,最多可供6人游戏。跳棋的主要游戏目标是把所有的弹珠从你的一端移到棋盘的另一端。玩家通过借助相邻弹珠——可以是自己的也可以是对手的——来使自己的弹珠“跳跃”前进,直到没有相邻弹珠可跳为止。

some have even made giant versions of ludo with picnic mats and colored cups, "forcing" it to become an outdoor game.


the tangram is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons which are put together to form shapes. the objective is to replicate a pattern (given only an outline) generally found in a puzzle book using all seven pieces without overlap. it is reputed to have been invented in china sometime around the late 18th century ce and then carried over to america and europe by trading ships shortly after.七巧板是一个小块拼图游戏,由七个扁平的多边形组成,这些多边形放在一起可以形成其他形状。游戏目标是拼出一个益智书里提供的图形(会事先给出一个图形轮廓),要使用所有七个形状,且需要没有重叠。据说七巧板是在公元18世纪末的某个时候在中国发明的,不久后通过贸易船只传到了美国和欧洲。

string figure

a string figure is a design formed by manipulating string on, around, and using one's fingers or sometimes between the fingers of multiple people. string figures may also involve the use of the mouth, wrist, and feet. the game ends when one of the two players cannot think of any next solution to the current figure or when one player fails to hold the figure with hands.翻花绳就是用自己的手指或是在多人手指之间翻转绳子从而形成形状。翻花绳也可能会用到嘴、手腕和脚。如果两个玩家中的某一个想不出当前图形的下一个可以翻的形状,或者某个玩家绳子散了,游戏就结束。

students of congtai primary school in handan, hebei province play the string figure game. source: xinhua news agency, photo by hao qunying

the next few games can be played both indoors and outdoors. it depends on where you won't get caught by your parents and teachers saying, "why are you still playing here!"


a marble is a small spherical object often made from glass. these balls vary in size. marbles can be used for a variety of games called marbles. they are often collected, both for nostalgia and for their aesthetic colors. players often use their fingers to "shoot" one marble to hit the opponent's marble and can acquire it if it was hit.弹珠是一种小的球形物体,通常由玻璃制成,大小不一,可以用来玩弹珠游戏。经常有人收藏弹珠,既是为了怀旧,也是为了好看的颜色。玩家会用手指“射”出一个弹珠来击中对手的弹珠,如果被击中就可以获得弹珠。


hide-and-seek is a popular children's game in which at least two players conceal themselves in a set environment, to be found by one or more seekers.捉迷藏是一种流行的儿童游戏,其中至少有两个玩家隐藏在一个固定环境中,另一个或多个搜寻者来寻找他们。


the shuttlecock is made out of rubber or a plastic disk and attached with many feathers. the player's goal is to keep the shuttlecock in the air while kicking it only using the feet repeatedly.毽子由橡胶或塑料小盘制成,上面有许多羽毛。玩家只能用脚不断踢毽子,目标是保持毽子一直在空中不落地。

here are some games that can only be played outdoors, most of which require some physical strength. you might get sweat stains and dirty clothes. be ready to hear some complaints from your family.

hoop rolling

the hoop rolling game is very familiar for those born in the 1980s, and the longer you can roll the hoop, the higher your skill level.

hoop rolling is both a sport and a child's game in which a large hoop is rolled along the ground, generally by means of an object wielded by the player. the aim of the game is to keep the hoop upright for long periods of time, or to do various tricks.滚铁环既是一项运动,也是一种儿童游戏,玩家通常手持某物在地面上滚一个大铁圈。游戏目的是让铁环长时间滚动,或者做各种杂耍动作。


丢沙包是 80 年代流行的中国传统儿童游戏。沙包通常由父母或祖父母手工制作。游戏规则是,投掷者将沙包扔向对手,被击中者将被淘汰出局。抓住沙包的玩家可以为另一个队友“加一条命”,或将其“从死亡中复活”。
石头剪刀布是一种手部游戏,玩家同时伸出手做出三个形状之一:“石头”(拳头)、“布”(平手)和“剪刀”(食指和中指伸出,形成 v 形)。根据胜负规则,轮流出相应的形状击败对手。

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