gpa stands for grade point average, which is a system used by most universities to evaluate students' grades.
in simple terms, gpa means the average score (weighted).
so why is it often mentioned and when does it play a crucial role?
gpa is most commonly used to visually display our learning progress over the four years of undergraduate study. at the same time, gpa is closely related to scholarships, graduate recommendations, major allocation, transferring to another major, and opportunities for studying abroad, and more.
1. transferring to another major and major allocation:
the time to transfer to another major is usually after the first year, and major allocation is generally the same. not only are the quotas limited, but preference is given to those with higher gpas. usually, the more popular the major, the higher the gpa/ranking requirements.
2. scholarships/graduate recommendations:
scholarships and graduate recommendations are based on overall performance, for example, scholarships are based on gpa 80% moral education score 20%. graduate recommendations depend on the annual documents of each college.
3. study abroad:
when choosing to study abroad or participate in an exchange program, gpa or ranking is also a very important reference indicator and may directly affect your application results.
why convert gpa?
the calculation of gpa is quite complex. typically, it is determined by multiplying the credits and final grades of different types of courses such as theses or research projects, major required courses, major elective courses, public required courses, and public elective courses, and then adding them together.
moreover, the grading systems vary in different countries and even different schools. for example, most american schools use a 4-point scale, while most chinese schools use a percentage scale. therefore, when applying to foreign schools, it is necessary to convert to the required format.
so, if we take the common conversion for the 4-point scale, 90 points or above in the percentage scale can be considered as 4 points, 80 points or above is 3 points, 70 points or above is 2 points, and 60 points or above is 1 point. in the 5-point scale, 5 is equivalent to 4 points, 4 is 3 points, 3 is 2 points, and 2 is 1 point.
common calculation methods
1. arithmetic mean (or simple average):
arithmetic mean, also known as the average, is calculated by adding up all your subject scores and then dividing the sum by the number of subjects. this gives you your arithmetic mean.
2. weighted average:
the weighted average is calculated by multiplying a student's grade for each subject by its weight (credit) and then calculating the overall score.
it is worth noting that each subject has different credits, and the number of credits for a subject is equivalent to its weight.
3. wes algorithm:
wes (world education service) is a non-profit organization in the united states that provides certificate authentication for individuals intending to study or work in the us or canada. it provides approximately 50,000 certifications each year.